Sweetie and I put an offer in on an actual house and it was accepted! Inspection Tuesday. It'll be fun to go from downtown condo living to actual city neighborhood house living. Stay tuned for more updates and lessons to be learned from our experience.
Got a huge chunk of pork belly at Costco a couple of weeks ago. It was too fatty to use in a sugo and I'd never cooked with it before. I didn't know what to do. It came as a big flat hunk of meat. I'd chopped a strip of it off into fish-like chunks (or that's what I thought, maybe 2" x 2") and had frozen it. Pulled it out of the freezer and let it defrost and set about making a marinade. I used about 1/4 cup or so soy sauce 1/4 cup or so mirin 1/4 cup or so of oyster sauce (finished the bottle) 1/4 cup or so of an Indonesian catsup that's been around for a while. Label wore off. We bought it when we were there a few years ago. lots of chopped garlic olive oil more garlic powder some powdered ginger, too I whisked all of the ingredients into a bowl and then poured it over the pork chunks that were still in a gallon-sized zip loc. Initially it seemed too salty, but in the end it worked out, taste-wise. Seal the bag, don't push...
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